Monday, January 8, 2018

Maravars in european accounts

Marava Country in East India company Maps

Marava Country is the only country in India having the name of caste. And it is the only tamil speaking country ruled by only tamils described  in Portugese,dutch,French and British.
This is the only Country with the Caste name.

In India in colonial period and southern part before british is separated as Carnatic,Golgonda,Malabar,Tanjore,Mysore,Madura and Marava.

In the southern part Carnatic and Golgonda and mysore belong to Muslims takeover.

Only Hindu Provinces are Malabar,Madura and Marava.
Out of three Malabar ruled Malayalam speaker,Madura ruled by
telugu speaker. Tanjore ruled by Marathi speaker.

And Only Tamil speaking is Marava province King Sethupathi.

Before Europeans there is no Maps in India and the no Historical accounts marked  by any historians.

Marava Country is the Only Tamil Province and Only Tamil country in the Maps.

Portugese East India Company Map:

The portugese East India company dated in 1670s noted the Country of Marava and Madura in their Maps.

Dutch East India Company Map:

The Dutch East India company dated in 1700s noted the Country of Marava as 'DE MARAVA' in their Maps. It is noted by dutch east India Company.

French East India Company:

This French Map of South India dated June 1737 was created by Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d'Anville, one of the greatest geographers and cartographers of the 18th century. The Marava country, colored in yellow, is located immediately south of Tanjore. Rather than a single political entity, it was a collection of small states ruled by the Maravars, a dominant Tamil community in the south of modern Tamil Nadu. Some of the prominent Marava centers of power include Sivaganga and Ramanathapuram.

British East India Company:

This British Map of South India dated June 1764 was created by British Troops in the invasion of tinnevelly. It is Marked by British troops. It is Noted by Jeffry Thomas. Rather than a single political entity, it was a collection of small states ruled by the Maravars, a dominant Tamil community in the south of modern Tamil Nadu. Some of the prominent Marava centers of power include Sivaganga and Ramanathapuram.

Mission of Madura(Accounts of De joe Britto)
Dutch Map of Malabar and Coromandal
French source civfanatic


Madras Regulation XXV of 1802 insisted the landholder to grant each
tenant a Patta which mentioned the amount to be paid by him and which explained
every condition of the contract. When a Zamindar refused to comply with the
demands of his tenants they had the right to sue him in the Adalat of the Zillah.
After the expiry of a reasonable period of time from the execution of Kabuliyat, it
was the duty of the Zamindar to renew it. If not he should be liable to be sued in
the Adalat of the Zillah and the Zamindar should also be liable to such damages as
might be decreed by the Adalat to the complainant.'

                                     Young Uttumalai zamindar with Anglo-officer

In 1803, 25 erstwhile
Palayakkarars received the Sanad-i-Milkiat Istimirar or deed of permanent
settlement and become Zamindars. They were:
1. Ettaiyapuram
2. Melmandai
3. Attankarai
4. Kadambur (Maravar Zamin)
5. Maniyachi (Maravar Zamin)
6. Shivagiri (Maravar Zamin)
7. Talaivankottai (Maravar Zamin)
8. Avudaiyapuram (Nerkattumseval) (Maravar Zamin)
9. Naduvakuruchi (Maravar Zamin)
10. Alagapuri (Maravar Zamin)
11. Uttumalai (Maravar Zamin)
12. Surandai (Maravar Zamin)
13. Chokkampatti (Maravar Zamin)
14. Urkadu (Maravar Zamin)
Selection from Old Records, Letter No: 124, Madras, 1934, p. 147.
15. Singampatti (Maravar Zamin)
17. Sennalgudi
19. Seittur (Maravar Zamin)
20. Pavali
21. Kollamkondan (Maravar Zamin)
22. Peraiyur
24. Sandaiyur
25. Saptur

Palayakkarars lost their military power and became the subject of the
Company. The military establishments of all the Palayakkarars were disbanded as
a part of the permanent settlement scheme.
According to the terms of Sanad, the Zamindar was given the right to
collect land revenue and other items and enjoy the benefits and pre-requisites
thereof only as long as he was loyal to the Government.
^ H. R. Pate, Tinnevelly District Gazetteer, Madras, 1916, p. 273.
^Appendices to the Report of the Madras Estate Land Act Committee, Madras, 1938, p. 35.
"* The Zamindari System in Madras: Government's Proposals for Abolition. P. 7.

The Terms of the Sanad-i-Milkiat Istimirar

The Zamindar should regularly pay in all seasons the amount of the
permanent assessment. The remissions which had been granted, according to the
custom of the country, on account of drought, flood or other natural calamity of
the season were stopped. If the Zamindar failed to discharge his responsibility his
Zamindari and his personal property were liable to attachment in the first instance.
If there was recurrence of such failure the lands would be ultimately confiscated
and sold. The Zamindar will forever lose the land for non-payment of the public
revenue. Since the terms of assessment on the Zamindari was moderate this event
happened only in consequence of Zamindar's own default.^
The Zamindar was at liberty to transfer, without the previous consent of
Government, or of any other authority, the Zamindar's proprietory right in the
whole or in any part of the Zamindari. Such transfer of land was valid and
recognized by the courts and officers of Government provided they were not
violative of the Muhammadan or Hindu laws or the regulations of the British
Government. The sale, gift or transfer must have been regularly registered at the
office of the Collector. Otherwise such sale, gift or transfer was of no legal force.
In the event of sale, gift or transfer, the Zamindar was to furnish the Collector with
true account of entire Zamindari. Although the Zamindar was entitled to transfer.

^ Selection from Old Records, Enclosure of Sanad-i-Milkiat Istimirar with Letter No: 124,
Madras, 1934, p. 46.

 the Zamindars were forbidden to make any part of their lands into a separate
estate, paying its jumma directly to Government, unless the public assessment on
such separate estate shall amount to the annual value of 500 star pagodas.^
In the event of the sale of any part of his Zamindari for the settlement of
arrears of assessment, he shall identify the part of his Zamindari to be so
separated. The assessment to be settled on the separated parts of the Zamindari
lands should be proportionate to the actual produce of the separated portion.
The Karnam was appointed from time to time by the Zamindar. The
Government discharged the police duty and defrayed the entire expense of that
establishment. The Zamindar enquired and sent the list of all robbers or disturbers
of the public peace to the Magistrate.^
Kabuliyat of Shivagiri Zamin
A Zamindar by an agreement had to accept the terms of the Sanad
through a Kabuliyat. The Zamindar of Shivagiri by that Kabuliyat agreed to
continue to pay the assessment of his Zamindari fixed at the assessment made in
the year 1803 (fasli 1212). Accordingly the annual sum of star pagodas sixteen
thousand was fixed which was acknowledged later by the Zamindar to be the
'Ibid. ^Ibid. ^ Ibid., p. 47. 93

permanent annual Peshkush of his Zamindari payable in the then prevailing coin
of the province in fixed monthly installment.^

The Zamindar was committed to pay regularly in all seasons the amount
permanently assessed and to fulfil this commitment at all costs. He accepted the
condition that no remission would be given on account of drought, flood or any
other natural calamity. Even in extreme famine conditions only postponement of
collection of Kist was ordered. The district Collector in the context of famine
proposed and Board of Revenue sanctioned the collection of tax in the Zamindari
estates of Tirunelveli district. He recommended the postponement of Peshkush for
the estates in Tenkasi, Sankarankoil and Srivilliputhur Taluks till Kists were due
next year. He instructed that similar gesture must be shown to tenants by

The Zamindar accepted to aid and assist the police officers in
apprehending and securing offenders of all description. He agreed to enquire and
give notice to the magistrate of all robbers or disturbers of the public peace who
1 'y
might be found or who might seek refuge in his Zamindari.
' Selection from Old Records, Enclosvire of the Kabuliyat with Letter No: 76, p. 50.
" Proceedings of the Board of Revenue for the year 1891, p. 348.
'^ Selection from Old Records, Enclosure of the Kabuliyat with Letter No: 76, p. 5 L

Peshkush Amount

The land revenue demand on all Zamindaris, Mittahs and other
proprietory estates were fixed once for all. Water rates were charged on Zamindari
lands when water was used from source of irrigation newly created by the
Government. The charge was made only on lands actually irrigated. ^ ^ The
Peshkush of large Zamindaris was generally paid into the collector's treasury and
that of small Zamindaris into Taluk treasury. ^" ^
Peshkush Amount for Shivagiri
Shivagiri was a Zamindari situated mainly in the north west of the
Sankarankoil Taluk of Tirunelveli district with an area of nearly 125 square miles,
excluding 30 square miles of forest on the slopes of Western Ghats. The Peshkush
of the Zamindari was originally fixed in 1802^^ (fasli 1211). The Zamin paid a
Peshkush of Rs.55000/- and a land cess amounting to Rs.5000/. The income of the
estate was about Rs. 1,84,000. Even as late as 1879 there was no change in the
Peshkush amount paid (Rs.54580-2-0).^^
'^ C. Annadurai Aiyer, The revenue code containing all the unrepealed revenue regulations and
Acts applicable to the Madras Presidency (from 1802 - 1894), Madras, 1894, p. 38.
" Ibid., p. 40.
'' Petition on behalf of M. R. Ry. Senthatikalai Pandia Chinna Thambiar, Zamindar of Shivagiri
to the Asst. Commissioner of Income Tax, Madurai on 29-01-1931.
'^ A. J. Stuart, Tinnevelly Manual, p. 99.
The Zamindar paid the Peshkush but the question was whether he paid
land revenue in respect of the forests included in his Zamindari. A Sanad was
issued to him on 24 September 1841, as the original Sanad granted in 1802 had
been lost. The second Sanad mentioned only 102 villages and not the forests. But
it was claimed that the Zamindar's forests were also included in the assessment of
Peshkush. Income tax officer assessment of the Zamindar's income from forests
was as follows

Forest revenue proper
Forest miscellaneous revenue
Rs.  -A-P
Rs. 14782-6-0
Rs. 899-0-0
Total Rs. 15681-6-0
Deduct establishment charges etc. Rs. 1513-14-10
Net income  Rs.14167-7-2

The Zamindar's lawyer claimed that the income from fisheries was also
agricultural income. But it had been held in various high court decisions that
income from fisheries could not be treated as agricultural income. The Zamindar's
accounts showed that his income from fisheries in the year of 1929-30 came to
" I.T. Department, File No: 2146 - 1929-30.

Rs.5469-7-0. He claimed a deduction of Rs.852-11-8 on the ground that he
incurred certain estabUshment charges for deriving the income.'^

Peshkush Amount for Seittur

The Peshkush amount fixed for Seittur Zamin was Rs.12636-13-1.^^
According to the private papers of Seittur Zamin, the Zamin derived a land
revenue of Rs.35,000/- and the forest revenue of Rs. 1000/-. The Zamin's Peshkush
remained Rs. 12441/- even at the turn of the 20* century.^° The total Peshkush,
according to the Collector's record, amounted to Rs.12,533-7-9. ^'
Revenue Divisional Officer submitted a statement showing the
reduction of Peshkush to be made for Seittur Zamindari on account of the lands
acquired for a burning ground at north Seittur. The following statement shows the
reduction made in the Peshkush of Seittur Zamindari. But even here there is no
substantial charge in the amount of Peshkush collected.
'' A. J. Stuart, Tinnevelly Manual, p. 112.
^° Private Paper - IR 59, File No: 59, True copy of Letter written on 29-11-1905 by V.I.S. Sevuga
Pandia Thevar, the Zamindar of Seittur.
^' Ramnad District Collectorate Record 72/18, 9-4-1918. Letter from Senneck LC.S, Sub
Collector of Sivakasi to the Collector of Ramnad.

Total revenue of the estate Rs.88385-6-1
Peshkush in the year 1920 Rs. 12536-11 -2
Peshkush for the following year Rs. 12536-8-2
Source: Ramnad District Collectorate Record 83/20, 19-08-1920.
Peshkush Amount for Chockampatti Zamin
In 1802 the Peshkush amount fixed for Chockampatti Zamindari an
ancient Palayam in Tirunelveli district was Rs.25,550-0-0, it assets being valued at
Peshkush Amount for Talaivankottai Zamin
Talaivankottai was the headquarters of this ancient Zamin about 10
square miles in extent which comprised two villages and yielded an annual rental
of about Rs.20,000/. Its population in 1910 was 3085.^^ According to A. J. Stuart,
it was one among the seven minor Zamindaris and the Peshkush amount of the
Zamindari was Rs.2732-9-0.^"^
The Zamindars of the attached estates had no mocasee and
Kattukuthagai villages or Sarvamaniyam lands in their estates with the exception
of the Zamindar of Talaivankottai who had a kattukuthagai village named
^^ Selection from Old Records, Letter No: 54, 21-04-1838, p. 36.
"' H. R. Pate, Tinnevelly District Gazetteer, p. 419.
^'^ A. J. Stuart, Tinnevelly Manual, p. 99.

Darukapuram in Sankarankoil Taluk which paid to the government annually
Rs.1272-11-7. This village was not attached because it did not form any part of the
estate and consequently the average income derived therefrom to the holder was

Rule of Succession in Maravar Zamins
Opinions were received from the several ancient Zamindaris and
Palayakkarars in the Timnelveli district on the subject of the rule of succession
among the children of several wives. Zamindars of Shivagiri, Maniyachi,
Naduvakuruchi, Kadambur, Talaivankottai, Melmandi, Surandi, Attangarai etc
gave their opinion that the eldest surviving male issue of the wife earliest in order
should be the heir to his father.'^^ Uttumalai Zamindar expressed the view that if a
Zamindar had married two wives at the same time the first bom son of either of
those should be considered senior for the succession.^^
The Seittur, KoUamkondan, Aavudaiyapuram declared that the
Zamindars had the power to select the heir among all his sons by different wives.
Seittur Zamindar stated that the rule for Zamindars of his Marava caste was that
the son of the first wife if he survived was rightful heir. In the event of absence of
^^ Selection from Old Records, Letter No: 41, 5-03-1836, p. 3.
-^ Selection from Old Records, Letter No: 166, 24-08-1849, pp. 94-95.
27 Ibid. 99

a son by the first wife, the first bom among the sons by all other wives had right to
succeed his father.

The Collector E.B. Thomas argued that the widow's opinion was
preferable since her claim was supported by many of the Hindu laws. ^^
The Government did not regulate the succession to Zamindaris. They
sometimes interfered to recognize a prima facie claimant in cases of death and
pending decision of the law courts. The ancient Zamindaris like Ramnad,
Sivagangai differed then from those subsequently created under Regulation No.
XXV of 1802 in two respects. In cases of succession by death, the law of
primogeniture facilitated the oldest son succeeding and the remainder of the
family being entitled to no more than maintenance.
Only in ancient Zamindaris the Zamindar was restrained from alienating
his estate beyond his life time. In the case of all other estates, which were not
ancient Zamindaris, the ordinary Hindu rule of inheritance prevailed. They were
sub-divided and alienated freely like any form of real property. The Government
had no concern with regard to the question of succession.'^^
^^ Ibid., p. 95..^' Letter of E.B. Thomas, 13.09.1845.
30 CD. Maclean, Manual of the Administration of the Madras Presidency, vol. I, p. 120.
100 Travails of the Permanent Settlement
The proprietory rights of the Zamindars were not absolute. It was
dependent on the proper and punctual payment of the Peshkush. Default in
revenue would give the British a free hand to take over the estate. However, that
right was not to curtail the established rights of the tenantry.
Under the permanent settlement the Zamindaris were invested neither
with political nor with legal authority. A special commission on Ramnad,
Sivagangai and Tirunelveli reported in 1803 that the Palayakkarars of
Naduvakuruchi, Maniyachi, Surandai, Melmandai, Attangarai, Singampatti and
Aavudaiyapuram felt that the resources of their Palayams were unequal to the
-J T payment of the increased Peshkush.

^' Nicholas. B. Dirks, "From Little Kingdoms to Landlord", Comparative Study in Society and
History, vol. 28, 307.33, New York, 1986, p. 318.
'- Ibid., p. 323.

" Appendices to the Report of Madras  Estate Land Act Committee, 1938, p. 83.

Thanks : Shodaganga 

ristocracy and Kingship of Maravars - J.H Nelson

Madura Country Manuel By J.H Nelson composed the Original Warrior and Kings of South India and Tamil nadu Especially Ramnad,Sivagangai,Madurai,TirunelVeli etc.

Aristocracy of Maravars with the big evidences.

THE MARAVANS or inhabitants of the two Zamindaries, perhaps the oldest eastern the country", are nowadays only about half as numerous as the Vellallans where as two thousand
years ago they must have been by far the numerous, were undoubtedly the most powerful of all the castes in the Pandya country HiStory shows, clearly that the Kings of Pandya
seventeenth century held a veiy good position among potential state of the south, and a letter of a Jesuit Missonary will be referred to in the proper place, shows that at that timr the King of
ramanathapuram could assemble an army of as many as 40,000 Maravar army
within one or two days and more than 80,000 .

The Maravans,” es,13 “are found chiefly in Madura and Tinnevelly, where they occupy the tracts bordering on the coast from Cape Comorin to the northern limits of the Ramnad zemindari. The proprietors of that estate, and of the great Sivaganga zemindari, are both of this caste. The Maravars must have been one of the first of the Dravidian tribes that penetrated to the south of the peninsula. There exists among them a picturesque tradition to the effect that, in consequence of their assisting Rama in his war against the demon Ravana, that deity gratefully exclaimed in [23]good Tamil Maraven, or I will never forget, and that they have ever since been called Maravans. But, with more probability, the name may be connected with the word maram, which means killing, ferocity, bravery and the like, as pointing clearly to their unpleasant profession, and slaying their neighbours.

In former days they were a fierce and turbulent race, famous for their military prowess. At one time they temporarily held possession of the Pandya kingdom, and, at a later date, their armies gave valuable assistance to Tirumala Nayakkan. They gave the British much trouble at the end of last (eighteenth) century and the beginning of this (nineteenth) century, but they are now much the same as other ryots (cultivators), though perhaps somewhat more bold and lawless.  History shows that in old times they were a fierce and turbulent race, and the terror of their neighbours ,
and they gave the British much trouble at the end of the last century
and the beginning of this But their habits have much changed in
the last sixty years and they are now much like other ryots, though
perhaps somewhat more bold and lawless

They live almost entirely
by cultivation, and are considered to be one of the lowest of the
respectable castes, although the Sethupathis of Ramnad and the RAjas
of Sivagangei have always been men of the Marava caste The
Jesuits at one time made many converts amongst them, and appear
to have regarded them as a very promising race but they seem to
have found out that their opinion .The head of the Maravans is the Setupati (lord of the bridge), or Raja of Ramnad. “The Sethupati line, or Marava dynasty of Ramnad,” the Rev. J. E. Tracy writes,17 “claims great antiquity. According to popular legendary accounts, it had its rise in the time of the great Rama himself, who is said to have appointed, on his victorious return from Lanka (Ceylon), seven guardians of the passage or bridge connecting Ceylon with the mainland.... Another supposition places the rise of the family in the second or third century B.C.

It rests its case principally upon a statement in the Mahawanso, according to which the last of the three Tamil invasions of Ceylon, which took place in the second or third century B.C., was under the leadership of seven chieftains, who are supposed, owing to the silence of the Pandyan records on the subject of South Indian dealings with Ceylon, to have been neither Cheras, Cholas, or Pandyans, but mere local adventurers, whose territorial proximity and marauding ambition had tempted them to the undertaking.... Another supposition places the rise of the family in the eleventh or twelfth century A.D. There are two statements of this case, differing according to the source from which they come. According to the one, which has its source in South India, the rise of the family took place in or about 1059 A.D., when Raja Raja, the Chola king, upon his invasion of Ceylon, appointed princes whom he knew to be loyal to himself, and who, according to some, had aided him in his conquest of all Pandya, to act as guardians of the [26]passage by which his armies must cross to and fro, and supplies be received from the mainland. According to the other statement, which has its source in Sinhalese records, the family took its rise from the appointment of Parakrama Bahu’s General Lankapura, who, according to a very trustworthy Sinhalese epitome of the Mahawanso, after conquering Pandya, remained some time at Ramespuram, building a temple there, and, while on the island, struck kahapanas (coins similar to those of the Sinhalese series). Whichever of those statements we may accept, the facts seem to point to the rise of the family in the eleventh or twelfth century A.D., and inscriptions quoted from Dr. Burgess by Mr. Robert Sewell18 show that grants were made by Sethupati princes in 1414, again in 1489, still again in 1500, and finally as late as 1540. These bring the line down to within two generations of the time when Muttu Krishnappa Nayakka is said, in 1604, to have found affairs sadly disordered in the Marava country, and to have re-established the old family in the person of Sadaiyaka Tevar Udaiyar Sethupati. The coins of the Sethupatis divide themselves into an earlier and later series. The earlier series present specimens which are usually larger and better executed, and correspond in weight and appearance very nearly to the well-known coins of the Sinhalese series, together with which they are often found, ‘These coins’ Rhys Davids writes,19 ‘are probably, the very ones referred to as having been struck by Parakrama’s General Lankapura.’ The coins of the later series are very rude in device and execution. The one face shows only the Tamil legend of the word Sethupati, while the other side is taken up with various devices.” [27]

A poet, in days of old, refers to “the wrathful and furious Maravar, whose curled beards resemble the twisted horns of the stag, the loud twang of whose powerful bowstrings, and the stirring sound of whose double-headed drums, compel even kings at the head of large armies to turn their back and fly.”20 The Maravans are further described as follows. “Of strong limbs and hardy frames, and fierce looking as tigers, wearing long and curled locks of hair, the blood-thirsty Maravans, armed with the bow bound with leather, ever ready to injure others, shoot their arrows at poor and defenceless travellers, from whom they can steal nothing, only to feast their eyes on the quivering limbs of their victims.”21 In a note on the Maravans of the Tinnevelly district, it is recorded22 that “to this class belonged most of the Poligars, or feudal chieftains, who disputed with the English the possession of Tinnevelly during the last, and first years of the present (nineteenth) century. As feudal chiefs and heads of a numerous class of the population, and one whose characteristics were eminently adapted for the roll of followers of a turbulent chieftain, bold, active, enterprising, cunning and capricious, this class constituted themselves, or were constituted by the peaceful cultivators, their protectors in time of bloodshed and rapine, when no central authority, capable of keeping the peace, existed. Hence arose the systems of Desha and Stalum Kaval, or the guard of a tract of country comprising a number of villages against open marauders in armed bands, and the guard of separate villages, their houses and crops, against secret theft. The feudal chief received a contribution from the area around his fort in [28]consideration of protection afforded against armed invasion.
The most full description extant of the Maravans appears to be*
that contained in the Marava- Jathi Vernanam (sic) translated by the
indefatigable Mr Taylor at page S54 of the 4th Volume of the
Madras Journal , and it will be well to give here a few particulars
gathered principally therefrom

It seems that there are seven well-marked subdivisions of the
caste, viz —

1 The  Sembu-nattu Maravans.

2.The Kondayan kottai do

3 The Apanur-nattu do.

4 The Agat do.

5 The uriayur nattu do.

6.The Uppu kottai do.-

7 The Kurichi-kattu do-

And amongst these subdivisions the first Sembunattu is the principal. There
are also other and minor subdivisions,

In the manuscript already quoted,29 it is noted that “should it so happen, either in the case of wealthy rulers of districts or of poorer common people, that any impediment arises to prevent the complete celebration of the marriage with all attendant ceremonies according to the sacred books and customs of the tribe, then the tali only is sent, and the female is brought to the house of her husband. At a subsequent period, even after two or three children have been born, the husband sends the usual summons to a marriage of areca nut and betel leaf; and, when the relatives are assembled, the bride [38]and bridegroom are publicly seated in state under the marriage pandal; the want of completeness in the former contract is made up; and, all needful ceremonies being gone through, they perform the public procession through the streets of the town, when they break the cocoanut in the presence of Vignesvara (Ganesa), and, according to the means possessed by the parties, the celebration of the marriage is concluded in one day, or prolonged to two, three or four days. The tali, being tied on, has the name of katu tali, and the name of the last ceremony is called the removal of the former deficiency. If it so happen that, after the first ceremony, the second be not performed, then the children of such an alliance are lightly regarded among the Maravas. Should the husband die during the continuance of the first relation, and before the second ceremony be performed, then the body of the man, and also the woman are placed upon the same seat, and the ceremonies of the second marriage, according to the customs of the tribe, being gone through, the tali is taken off; the woman is considered to be a widow, and can marry with some other man.” It is further recorded30 of the Orunattu Maravans that “the elder or younger sister of the bridegroom goes to the house of the bride, and, to the sound of the conch-shell, ties on the tali; and, early on the following morning, brings her to the house of the bridegroom. After some time, occasionally three or four years, when there are indications of offspring, in the fourth or fifth month, the relatives of the pair assemble, and perform the ceremony of removing the deficiency; placing the man and his wife on a seat in public, and having the sacrifice by fire and other matters conducted by the Prohitan (or Brahman); [39]after which the relatives sprinkle seshai rice (or rice beaten out without any application of water) over the heads of the pair. The relatives are feasted and otherwise hospitably entertained; and these in return bestow donations on the pair, from one fanam to one pagoda. The marriage is then finished. Sometimes, when money for expenses is wanting, this wedding ceremony is postponed till after the birth of two or three children. If the first husband dies, another marriage is customary. Should it so happen that the husband, after the tying on of the tali in the first instance, dislikes the object of his former choice, then the people of their tribe are assembled; she is conducted back to her mother’s house; sheep, oxen, eating-plate, with brass cup, jewels, ornaments, and whatever else she may have brought with her from her mother’s house, are returned; and the tali, which was put on, is broken off and taken away. If the wife dislikes the husband, then the money he paid, the expenses which he incurred in the wedding, the tali which he caused to be bound on her, are restored to him, and the woman, taking whatsoever she brought with her, returns to her mother’s house, and marries again at her pleasure.”

It is recorded, in the Madras Census Report, 1891, that “a special custom obtaining among the Marava zemindars of Tinnevelly is mentioned by the Registrar of that district. It is the celebration of marriage by means of a proxy for the bridegroom in the shape of a stick, which is sent by the bridegroom, and is set up in the marriage booth in his place. The tali is tied by some one representative of the bridegroom, and the marriage ceremony then becomes complete.... Widow re-marriage is freely allowed and practiced, except in the Sembunattu sub-division.

All Maravans bear the title of Theavar(God), which I suppose corresponds
with the Deva and Devar of more northern countries

The relative position of the Sethupati, or head of the Maravans
and hereditary ruler of Ramnad, as respects caste and births appears
from the followmg rules of court of Ramnad. The Raja Tondiman
of Puthukottai, the Raja of Sivagangei, and the eighteen chiefs of
the Tanjore country must stand before him with the palms of their
hands joined together and stretched out towards the presence. The
chiefs of Tirunevelly, such as KatabomaNayakkan of Panjalakurichchi
Serumali Nayakkan of Kadal-kudi, and the Tokkala Tottiyans,
being all of inferior caste, should prostrate themselves full length
before the Sthupati , and after rising must stand and not be seated.
But the Sillavas and others of EttiyApuram , arid the Marava chiefs
of Vadagarei, Shokkampatti, Uttumalei, Setthru, Sarandei and other
tracts , and the Vanniya chiefs of Sivagiri of seven thousand fields,
and of Dalavan-kottei 5 all these make no obeisance of any kind to
the ruler of RAmnad.

The dress of the Maravans is peculiar in some rcspects. They wear
the hair very long With the exception of the chiefs, both men and
women lengthen the lobes of their ears tp the extent of several inches,
by hanging weights m them , and wear attached to them wonderfully
large and heavy metal ornaments The men generally wear hand-
kerchiefs round the head, and never tie turbands The rulers of the
tribes on special occasions wear turbands, handsome silk robes, and
gorgeous jewels, according to the ordinary customs of Hindu saiva .

Properly speaking every Maravan should be a warrior, and should
hold lands on a Military tenure At the time when the MS. from
which the above description is taken was written, the followmg was
the scale upon which lands wre granted by the Sethupati and other
chiefs to their dependants An ordinary foot soldier carrying a sword
and pear was granted a piece of land capable of yielding him .
Of the Maravans who are not soldiers by profession, a portion ought
properly to serve in the Palace and Public Offices, enjoying a remis-
sion of tribute as renumeration for their services ; the remainder
should live by cultivng lands, paying the tax.

Many other interesting ;
Sriman Hiranyagarbha Ravikula Raja Muthu Vijaya Raghunatha Raja Raghunatha Deva Kilavan Setupati (r. 1671–1710) was first Raja of Ramnad.[1]He ruled from 1673 to 1708 and oversaw the growth of the feudal chieftainship of Ramnad into a powerful kingdom. He rescued the Nayak of Madurai from the tyranny of Rustam Khan and also successfully campaigned against the King of Thanjavur, who later ceded all his territories.
He was helpful to Chokkanatha Nayak, a Nayak king who conferred him the title of Para Rajakesari ("lion to alien kings"). He annexed some territories of Madurai Kingdom. Aranthangi, Thirumayam, Piranmalai. He opposed the spread of Christian missionary activities. Kilavan Sethupathi liberated the Marava country from the control of Madurai Nayak. After defeating Rani Mangammal’s army, he declared independent Marava country in 1707. He shifted his headquarters from Pughalur to Ramnad. Kilavan Sethupathi established the Nalcottal palayam (later Sivaganga) and appointed Udaya Thevar as governor. He endowed villages to a temple at Thiruvadanai and Kalaiyar Koil. He constructed a fort around the Ramanathapuram, the capital city. He constructed a dam across the Vaigai.[citation needed]
It was during his reign, that the capital was moved from Pogalur to Ramnad. He was succeeded by his adopted son Vijaya Raghunatha.[1]He fell in love with Kathali, a girl from the Kallar caste, later married her and then appointed his brother-in-law as the chief of Pudukottai and neighboring districts. He christened him Ragunatha Tondaman in lieu of his former chief Pallavaraya Tondaman whom he had replaced. Ragunatha Tondaman would later go on to spawn the Thondaman Dynasty of Pudukottai.[1] Also, history states that he has many wives(more than 45), and given equal love to all of them. It is one of a rare instance in history that when Kilavan Sethupathi expired, all of them committed sathi "Udankattai."
Marava War of Succession is used to refer to the war of succession between, Vijayaraghunatha Sethupathi the heir apparent and eldest son ofRaghunatha Kilavan and Tanda Thevar for the throne of Ramnad kingdom, also known as the Maravar Kingdom. The war of succession and the ensuing civil war lasted from 1720 to 1729 and resulted in the partitioning of the Ramnad kingdom reducing its power and influence.Raghunatha Kilavan, the founder of the Kingdom of Ramnad, died in 1710. He was an excellent soldier and his death left behind a huge void. Prior to his death, Kilavan had first nominated his illegitimate son, Bhavani Shankar and later, due to protests from the people, chose his younger son,Vijayaraghunatha Sethupathi to succeed him. Bhavani Shankar abided by the king's decision but an uneasy calm prevailed throughout Ramnad..Bhavani Shankar eventually revolted in 1720 and securing the help of theThanjavur Maratha king Serfoji I and the Raja of Pudukkottai, invaded Vijayaraghunatha Sethupathi's seat at Aranthangi. While defending the city, Vijayaraghunatha Sethupathi fell victim to plague and died. Just before his death, Vijayaraghunatha Sethupathi nominated Tanda Deva, a great-grandson of Raghunatha Kilavan's father to succeed him but before he could acceded to the throne, Bhavani Shankar overthrew him with the support and influence of one of Kilavan's concubines.
Tanda Deva secured the support of the Madurai Nayak king and the Raja of Pudukkottai who had switched sides and invaded Aranthani forcing Bhavani Shankar to flee to Thanjavur. But, Bhavani Shankar won over the Thanjavur Maratha ruler promising him Aranthangi in return and defeated the combined armies of Ramnad, Madurai and Pudukkottai within two or three months. Tanda Deva was eventually captured and killed.
Bhavani Shankar ascended the throne for a second time but did not rule for long, his reign was highly unpopular and most of his trusted generals deserted him. Meanwhile, Bhavani Shankar had earned the ire of the Thanjavur Maratha ruler Tukkoji as he had failed to keep up his promise of delivering Aranthangi to the Thanjavur Marathas, the discontented elements in the kingdom, therefore, approached the Tukkoji and sought his help in overthrowing Bhavani Shankar. Tukkoji invaded Ramnad. Bhavani Shankar was defeated in 1729 in the Battle of Uraiyur and taken prisoner to Thanjavur.
The victorious Thanjavur Maratha forces partitioned the Kingdom of Ramnad into three - all the territories to the north of Pambar River were annexed to the Thanjavur Maratha kingdom, the rest of the kingdom was more or less equally split between Kattaya Deva, a nobleman in the Ramnad court and the maternal uncle of Tanda Deva, who ascended the throne of Ramnad as Kumara Muthu Vijayaraghunatha Sethupathi and one of the Ramnad feudatories who became the first Raja of Sivaganga. The Ramnad kingdom lost most of its power and influence due to this war..
In n fact even today, though the famous Rameshwaram temple (which technically belonged to the Sethupatis) is administered by the Government of Tamil Nadu, the head of the Sethupati dynasty, at present Rajeshwari Nachiar, is the hereditary head of the temple’s board of trustees.
Detailed information about the Sethupathis is available in the ‘Ramnad Manual’ maintained by Tamil Nadu archives. It states that, “The Sethupatis built several chattrams (dharmsalas) along the main roads of the pilgrimage to Rameshwaram. Roads were opened through the forests. Immense sums were spent on the restoration of the Rameshwaram temples, which were falling into ruins, and the splendid Chockattan Mantapam or the cloistered precincts of the temple at Rameshwaram being finally completed by the Sethupati representatives..” Although the dynasty claims that they are mentioned in the 2000-year-old sagas of Tamil literature, as the brave Marava community guarding the Sethu since the times of Rama, the first historical reference comes only in the 11th century AD, when Chola king Rajaraja made the head of Marava community as Sethupati to protect the pilgrims to Rameshwaram temple and the Rama Sethu.

The temple complex itself was built by Sethupati rulers in the 12th century, with Sethupathy Maravar beginning the construction of the grand Ramanathaswamy temple. Then again reference is made in A D1434 to the repair of the temple walls by the head of the Sethupati clan, known as Udayan Sethupati. Geologists state that till AD1480, when a tsunami damaged the present Rama Sethu, one could walk from India to Sri Lanka on the Sethu!

But only from AD 1605, we find detailed history of these chiefs, who are described as masters of Sethu and their kingdom described as Sethu Nadu (Land of Sethu). After the destruction of the Vijayanagar empire in 1565, their viceroy in South India, the the Nayak ruler of Madurai, re-appointed head of the same Marava community as the Sethupatis.

The most important of these monarchs was the Raghunatha Sethupati II alias Kilavan Sethupati (1671 AD to 1710 AD), who ensured that Sethupatis with their fiefdom over the area known as Ramnad, remained all powerful. It was during his time, that the magnificent still existing palace of Ramlingavilasam was created as the residence of the Sethupatis. No other palace in Tamil Nadu has such extensive mural paintings. As soon as you enter the Mahamandapam, you are surrounded by murals that glint like gem-encrusted jewels on the walls. Some are dull and faded, while others flash forth their brilliance, even 300 years after they were executed. In 1978, the Sethupati family, unable to maintain the palace handed it over to the Government of Tamil Nadu.

But in the18th century, the British entered the politics of South India and as a measure to reduce the importance of the Sethupatis, they were demoted as mere zamindars under the British in1803. Of all the services, this royal family has done to India, the most important was that of financing the visit of Swami Vivekananda in 1893 to Chicago, to address the World Religions Conference. Swami Vivekananda reached Ramnathapuram in 1892 and met the then scion, Bhaskara Sethupati at his palace, and stayed there as the official guest for eight days.

Initially, it was Bhaskara Setupati as the Raja of Ramnad, who had earlier decided to go to US to attend the Parliament of Religions as the representative of Hinduism. But after conversing with Swami Vivekananda, he decided that Swamiji was the right person to attend the conference.

Vivekananda decided to accept the Raja’s offer. When Vivekananda returned from USA after his grand success, as he was about to land at Rameshwaram, the overjoyed Raja was waiting with his entourage to give him a royal welcome. Because of the achievement of Swamiji and as well as the regard, the Raja had for him, he bowed his head and offered it as step for Vivekananda to get down from the boat. But, Swamiji tactfully avoided this offer, by jumping from the boat to the land. Then the Raja unyoked the bullocks from Vivekananda’s ceremonial chariot and pulled the conveyance manually with his entourage, till it reached his palace. Later he erected a victory pillar of 25 feet height with the Upanishad expression Satyameva Jayate to commemorate the success of Swami Vivekananda at Chicago.

After Indian Independence, the Sethupatis still retained their importance in the politics of Tamil Nadu. In fact Shanmuga Raja Sethupati won the elections to the Tamil Nadu Assembly and held the seat thrice from 1951 to 1967, besides being a minister in the Rajagopalachari Ministry of 1952. He was well-known in horse racing circles and had a stable of over 50 horses in Calcutta and a huge garage of cars in Madras, including Rolls Royces and a Bentley. But the abolition of zamindaries by the Government of India, removed all sources of their wealth and today, the former Sethupatis are just well-known prominent magnates of Tamil Nadu.

atrons have played a very great part in our past in fostering Carnatic Music. Composers and musicians have been sustained, patronized & honored by both the Royals as well as the aristocratic/business magnates of the last few centuries. They were one of the essential components of the musical ecosystem of India. Given the social milieu it would be uncharitable to just say that they did this as a quid pro quo/in return for the singers/composers creating compositions in their praise. Some of these patrons themselves were musicians/composers themselves, such as King Shahaji or Maharaja Svati Tirunal. Then there were those who were lovers of music and so sustained the art and the artistes themselves such as the Rajas/Zamindars and nobles who also came to be recorded as the nayakas in the compositions such as the padas, cauka varnas etc. Well-known amongst them are the Raja of Karvetinagar, the Zamindars of Udayarpalayam and the Rulers of Ettayapuram. The Rajas, nobles and chieftains who have been sung upon include the known & the unknown. And the list of such patrons is quite a lengthy one.

And one amongst them is Rajah Bhaskara Sethupati of Ramanathapuram(1868-1903) of the Royal House of Ramnad. The contribution of the Sethupathis to art & culture and to Tamil has now been almost forgotten. As Bhaskara Sethupathi’s brief life time would show us, he was a sort of a confluence of the orient and the occident. Given his education and background, he should have risen to be one of the “model” Zamindars of the British era, but it was never to be as he indulged in philanthropy so much that the coffers of his Zamin ran dry. And finally the pressure telling on him perhaps, Bhaskara Sethupathi died prematurely when he was just 35 years old.

In this post, I intend to cover this great patron and analyse two compositions – a varna and a ragamalika composed in his honor by Subbarama Dikshitar. And this post is being made this month, which marks the death anniversary of this patron who died in December 1903, when he was just 35 years young.

Stamp released by the Government of India in Dec 2004 on his death centenary

The erstwhile Southern coastal Indian Kingdom of Ramanathapuram or Ramnad had been ruled by the Sethupathis – translated to mean the ‘Overlords of the Causeway’. Tradition has it when Lord Rama, crossed over to Ceylon over the bridge built by his vAnara army, he built the temple for Lord Ramanatha as a thanksgiving upon his victory. He also appointed the first Sethupathi to protect the piligrims who would be using the causeway. Since then, they were traditionally been referred so and ruled over the “marava” country, which is the land mass between Madurai and the sea, in Southern India. They have always been till date the administrators of the Ramanathasvami temple with all hereditary rights. Famous kings of this lineage include Raghunatha Tevar or Kilavan Sethupathi (1673-1708) and Muthuramalinga Sethupathi I (1760-1794) and during the latter’s reign the Sethupatis lost their sovereignty completely to the British and ended up being a mere Zamindari, paying rent(kist/peshcush) to the British as their vassal.

Bhaskara Sethupati was born on 3rd November 1868 as the first son of Raja Muthuramalinga Sethupathi II (regnal years 1862-1872) and his wife Muthathaal Nacciyar. In 1830, when Raja Ramasvami Sethupathi died without leaving behind a heir, his wife Rani Parvathavardhini Nacciar ruled the Zamindari. She was assisted by her brother Kottasami Thevar. At the end her life time, Rani Parvathavardhini Nacciar took in adoption the second son of her sister, by name Muthuramalingam who was then a minor to succeed as the Zamindar. Till his majority, his elder brother Ponnusvami Thevar ruled as his Regent. There were several legal wrangles which were witnessed during this period, challenging the adoption.  Ponnusvami Tevar acting as Manager played a major political role in ensuing that his younger sibling duly became the Sethupati. And even after Muthuramalinga had attained majority, Ponnusvami Thevar (who died in 1870) continued to guide the young Muthuramalinga Sethupathy II in running the affairs of Ramanathapuram. Both the brothers were great lovers of Tamil and Music. Ponnusvami Thevar’s son was the famous Panditurai Thevar (Zamindar of Pazhavanattam, 1867-1911) who founded the 4th Tamil Sangam at Madurai. Muthuramalinga Sethupathy II was adept in the arts & in Tamil. Muthuramalinga Sethupathy II passed away suddenly in 1872 when his son Bhaskara Sethupathy was barely 4 years old. As per the then existing British administered system, the minor heir was placed under the custody of the Court of Wards till such time he attained majority.

Bhaskara Sethupathy in the traditional regalia as a Maharaja (Photo Courtesy: Pamela G Price)
The “Court of Wards” was an instrument of control used by the British government purportedly to ensure that minor Zamindars, who were “deemed” incapable of running the Zamindari were ‘tutored’ and trained up to become model Zamindars to subserve their interest . By the late 19th century, as a policy and as a practice, the British resorted to this instrument of control very frequently when a minor became a Zamindar. The Court of Wards as an institution which functioned under the control of the Board of Revenue in Calcutta operated in every district and was headed by the district collector, an Englishman. The classic situation of when the Court of Wards would step in to administer a Zamindari was when the proprietor of the estate namely the Zamindar died leaving behind minor sons. Even in cases where a Zamindar was found unfit to run the affairs of the estate, upon the report of the District Collector, the Board of Revenue was empowered to step in to manage the estate. The Court of Wards apart from taking the responsibility of managing the estate also took charge of educating the heir apparent, the minor Zamindar. While the district collector was the nominal head, the tasks were run by a motley group of Englishmen and local learned Indians or the “natives” to put in the then English parlance.

Bhaskara Sethupathi was taken to Madras to be educated both in English and in Western manners and etiquette. He had an English tutor who put him through the learning of the English classics and music as well and apparently Sir Walter Scott’s “Ivan Hoe” was one of his favorites. Bhaskara Sethupathi learned to play piano as well. To make him worldly wise, the Court of Wards made him travel to different parts of India and Ceylon as well, accompanied by his tutor. Well trained in the Western ways, Bhaskara Sethupathi did make his tutor proud as is obvious from his certification to the Court of Wards upon attainment of majority. Bhaskara Sethupathi was formally anointed by the then British Government as “Maharaja” & took over the Zamindari on 3rd April 1889. Earlier in 1888 he married Sivabhagyam Nacciar, daughter of one of his kinsmen.

Bhaskara Sethupathi though western educated had his moorings in Indian culture and arts. There is a kriti in the raga Suratti which this Raja has apparently composed on Goddess Padmasini Thayar at the temple at neighboring Tiruppullani kshetra. He was devoted as a true Sethupathi, to Lord Ramanatha of Ramesvaram and to Goddess Rajarajesvari, the tutelary deity of the Sethupathis. He was so greatly enamored of Svami Vivekananda & his teachings. He funded the Svami’s historic trip to the Parliament of Religions at Chicago. Though Sethupathi was the original invitee to the Conference, he chose  instead to send Svami Vivekananda and the rest is history. Svami Vivekananda too held Sethupathi in high esteem and called him a ‘Rajarishi’. And when the Svami returned back from Chicago and set foot at Pamban in Ramesvaram on Jan 26th, 1897, he was given a tumultuous welcome and to commomerate the same Bhaskara Sethupati constructed a 40ft high monument inscribed with the words ‘Satyameva Jayate’, which went on to become the motif of the Indian State some 50 years later!

Bhaskara Sethupathy funded many charitable/philanthropic activities and events. S Tiruvenkatachari in his book, “Setupatis of Ramnad”, wrote that Bhaskara Setupati became a “byword for benevolence, charity and phenomenal generosity”. His giveaways were truly phenomenal in the literal sense of the word. Rs 10,000 to the Indian National Congress,  Rs 40,000 to the Madras Christian College, an endowment for educating less privileged students in his alma mater etc. A thorough and meticulous person, he maintained a personal dairy, the contents of which, provides a great insight into his character. Even during his minority he maintained this habit and in 1890, publishers G W Taylor of Madras brought it out as a book, “My Trip to India’s Utmost Isle”. ¹

His unbridled philanthropy together with the practice of supporting/employing individuals with dubious credentials as a part of the paraphernalia of the Zamindari, which he failed to dispense with, put an enormous drain on the Zamin’s finances. He also inherited a debt of more than Rs 350,000, a legacy of his stepmother, the Senior Rani who had borrowed heavily. Expenses to fund the cost of litigation that was launched against him by his younger brother too had to be covered. The inevitable result was that the finances of the Zamindari fell into complete disarray. He had started borrowing from the wealthy Nattukottai Chettiars and the temple endowments to fund his spree of philanthropy, by mortgaging the property and other assets³. And ironically so, the great man who was well learned otherwise but had failed in the maths subject in high school, didn’t get his numbers right and so went literally bankrupt. Barely 26 years old and with creditors knocking at his doors, Sethupathy was forced to put the Zamin Estate under trust for his minor son. ¹

Neither did the people who were beneficiaries of his munificence help him in any way. In fact a few of them petitioned to the Collector at Madurai about the impudent extravagance of the Sethupathy, which finally spelt the death knell, literally so. He is said to have remarked during his last days thus, “I have within the last four years spent forty lakhs and though I have thus been foolishly extravagant, the leeches that drunk my blood are not a whit more grateful to me.” ¹

The congratulatory letter that Bhaskara Sethupathi wired to his illustrious contemporary Sri Jagadveera Rama Venkateshvara Ettappa ( see his profile as captured by Subbarama Dikshitar in his Vaggeyakara Caritamu) on his coronation as the Maharaja of Ettayapuram Zamindari at the end of his minority, in December 1899, is eye opening on more than one count. This Rajah of Ettayapuram too was a product of the Court of Wards and is well known in musical history as the benefactor who funded the printing & publication of Subbarama Dikshitar’s “Sangeeta Sampradaya Pradarshini” on the earnest appeal of Chinnasvami Mudaliar. And that appeal was made to the Ettayapuram King during that coronation in December 1899, which Subbarama Dikshitar refers to in his Introduction to the SSP.

Below is the text, verbatim of the congratulatory letter that Bhaskara Sethupathi wrote⁴:

“My heartfelt congratulations to you, on your assumption of charge of your ancient and historical estate. My fervent prayers to Sree Ramanatha and to Kalugachala Shanmuga Moorthi to grant you long life and continued prosperity and to make you and your truth flourish. I have little in the way of advice except to beg you most earnestly as the son of one who was most devoted to me as a brother, to take my complete failure as a Zamindar as sufficient warning to you in your future career and to remind you of the words of Lord Ripon to the Nizam, “Look to your finances”, an advice which I disregarded but which I must beg you bear in mind to avoid the consequences. I suffer by disregarding it. You know what great affection and regard I have for you personally and it is that that prompts me, even presses me to wire to you thus opening my heart to you. Your manager, Mr.Sivarama Iyer is in a way my guardian and I have fatherly regard for him. I regret his leaving you. I am performing Abhishekam and Archanai in your name this day grandly to my Lord Sri Ramanatha and to our Divine Mother and will send you prasadam. Be ever loyal to our Sovereign and Her Government and use your wealth, power, and influence to benefit others, and to injure none and above all, be devoted to the feet of Him who from Kalugachalam protects you all, and thus you will be happy now and ever.”

Some clarifications/additional information here would not be out of place.

While Lord Ramanathasvami at Ramesvaram is the family deity of the Ramnad Sethupatis, Lord Subramanya at Kazhugumalai or Kazhugachalam or Kankagiri (about 22 kms from Kovilpatti in Southern Tamilnadu) is the presiding deity of the Ettayapuram Royals. The Sangita Sampradaya Pradarshini records a number of compositions created by the Ettayapuram Rajas as well by Balusvami Dikshitar and Subbarama Dikshitar on this Lord Kartikeya. We do have one kriti ‘Subramanyena Rakshitoham’ published by Kallidaikurici Sundaram Iyer, in the raga Suddha Dhanyasi attributed to Muthusvami Dikshitar, composed on this deity.
An examination of Bhaskara Sethupathi and his persona would show that he in fact played two parts & with finesse – one as a loyal vassal of His Majesty’s Government and secondly as a nationalist who sympathized with the Indian National Congress. Two contradictory roles/approaches ,yet apolitical and it probably reflected his desire to remain relevant in the politics of the then Provincial Madras.
The text of the letter above gives a wholesome perspective of Bhaskara Sethupati. His erudite knowledge and use of English language, his moorings in Hindu beliefs and above all his open admission as to his misjudgment in running the affairs of the Ramnad Estate & his goodwill toward Venkatesvara Ettappa stand out in his letter.

Early in the year 1900, when the estate was in dire financial straits, the Pontiff of  the Sringeri Mutt is said to have played a key role in ensuring that the Estate was bailed out and Bhaskara’s son Rajesvara Sethupathi was safely put in charge of whatever was remaining. All these events perhaps took its toll on Bhaskara Sethupati’s health and quickly led to his untimely death on 27th December 1903. When he died, the great Tamil scholar the revered Mahavidvan R Raghava Iyengar (1878-1960) wrote a eulogy in Tamil thus:

SengaiyyAl vAri aLitthAyE SetupatI !

EngayyA engatkku inimEl idam?

Translation: Oh Setupati, the one who gave away all, with your noble hands! Where do we now go?

And the other great titan U Ve Svaminatha Iyer during his visit to the Ramnad Court composed this couplet on this benevolent patron, in Tamil:

vinniR siranthidu pARkkarar pOl virumbum indha

manniR sirundUyar pARkkara bUpathi vAzhiyavE !


A number of musicians/composers have been patronized by the Ramnad Royal House. Kundrakkudi Krishna Iyer (1816-1889), Maha Vaidyanatha Iyer (1844-1893), Patnam Subramanya Iyer (1845-1902), Poochi Srinivasa Iyengar(1860-1919) and Subbarama Dikshitar are the notable ones.  In fact for Bhaskara Sethupati’s ascension to the Ramnad throne, the triumvirate of Krishna Iyer, Patnam and Maha Vaidyanatha Iyer performed together.

We have quite a few compositions composed on some of the Ramnad Royals as below:

“sAmi nI vEga”, a tana varna in Ata tala in the raga Nattakurinji with the ankita “kottasAmi bhUpala”, composed by Patnam Subramanya Iyer in praise of Kottaisami Thevar the brother of Rani Parvathavardhini Nacciar who ruled Ramanathapuram.⁶
“sAmi nInnE” in Atana with the ankita “ugrapAndia bhUpAla” on Panditurai Tevar(1867-1911), the Zamindar of Pazhavanattham and the paternal cousin of Bhaskara Setupati, also composed by Patnam Subramanya Iyer.⁶
“Nadhru dhru deem”, tillana in Sindhubhairavi composed by Pooci Srinivasa Iyengar again on Panditurai Thevar.
‘kamalAkshi ninnE koriyunnadi’ , a tana varna in Kambhoji set to jhampa tala composed by Kundrakudi Krishna Iyer on Bhaskara Sethupati’s father Muthuramalinga Sethupathi. This apart he has composed a few pada varnas as well on both Muthuramalinga Sethupati and Bhaskara Sethupati.
“srI rAjadhirAja” -Ata tala tana varna composed by Subbarama Dikshitar in the raga Balahamsa, in praise of Bhaskara Sethupati himself.( See Foot Note 1)
“gAravamu ganna dUraiyani” – Ragamalika in 9 ragas set in rupaka tala, composed by Subbarama Dikshitar again on Bhaskara Sethupati
‘edO pArAmukam’ a Tamil svarajati in the raga Khamas composed on Bhaskara Setupati and ascribed to the Tanjore quartet descendant Sangita Kalanidhi Ponnayya Pillai.
Some interesting points need attention here:

Maha Vaidyanatha Iyer, Patnam Subramanya Iyer and Kundrakkudi Krishna Iyer were a trio belonging to the same (performing) generation roughly who indulged in ‘vyavahara’ laden music, in other words indulging in complex svara and rhythmic pyrotechnics as a part of their pallavi renditions.  All the three of them were recipients of honours from the Ramanathapuram Court. We do have accounts that they constantly competed actively on & off the concert stage. Interestingly we have a a unique varna from each of them in raga Kambhoji. Krishna Iyer’s aforesaid varna is in jhampa tala, a rare one. Similarly Maha Vaidyanatha Iyer’s Kambhoji creation “Pankajakshi Neepai” is littered profusely with beautiful svaraksharas. One can indeed wonder if they produced them in (friendly ?) rivalry!
All the above three performed together, setting aside their professional rivalry at the request of Bhaskara Sethupathi on the occasion of his ascension as King. The three of them sang together the famous Todi pallavi ‘Ganalola Karunalavala’, which incidentally was derived from the pallavi line of the kriti in the same raga, composed by Chinnasvami Dikshitar, brother of Muthusvami Dikshitar and is found notated in the SSP. Sulamangalam Bagavathar in his memoirs recalls that the rendition of the pallavi by the three titans in unison was a veritable treat, fit for celestials ! (See Foot Note 2)
The reference of both Patnam Subramanya Iyer & Pooci Srinivasa Iyengar to the great Panditurai Tevar as “UgrapAndya” is hardly surprising. King Ugrapandya was the last of the Madurai/Pandyan sovereigns who had presided over the last (Third) Tamil Sangam (College of Poets). Panditurai Tevar was the key force behind the 4th Tamil Sangam which set helped set up with the participation of U Ve Svaminatha Iyer, R Raghava Iyengar, Paridhimarkalignar, Shanmugham Pillai & others. Also Panditurai Tevar’s father was a close associate of Tamil Mahavidvan Meenakshisundaram Pillai, the preceptor of U Ve Svaminatha Iyer.
It was Panditurai Tevar/Ponnusvami Tevar who had apparently recommended and also sponsored Pooci Srinivasa Iyengar to learn under Patnam Subramanya Iyer. Apart from Patnam and Pooci Iyengar, Maha Vaidyanatha Iyer and his brother Ramasvami Sivan were closely associated with the Ramanathapuram Royals.
We have a varna in Mohana by Harikesanallur Muthiah Bagavathar “Manamohana” in ata tala with the raja mudra of “Mudduramalinga” which Dr B M Sundaram, says as alluding to Muthuramalinga Sethupati, Bhaskara’s father. Muthuramalinga Sethupathi passed away in 1872 while Muthiah Bagavathar was born only in 1877.  I am unsure how this varna can be ascribed as having been composed so.
The Royal House of Ramnad also patronized a descendant of the Tanjore Quartet,  Vadivelu Pillai-  a grandson of the Quartet Sivanandam. by making him an AstAna vidvan. We have a beautiful Svarajati in the raga Khamas ‘ edO pArAmukam’ composed probably by this Vadivelu Pillai or by his brother’s (Kannusvami Pillai) son Sangita Kalanidhi Ponnayya Pillai (1889-1945) . This composition in which Bhaskara Setupati is portrayed as a nAyakA is again a  very rare one. The svarajathi made its way out of oblivion from the private manuscripts of  the famous dance guru K P Kittappa Pillai and was subsequently published by the Music Academy.
The Balahamsa varna and the navaratna ragamalika are the ones that Subbarama Dikshitar composed on Bhaskara Setupati, which find place respectively in the SSP and its Anubandha. Interestingly both have an oral tradition as well and for the present blog post I will take up these two compositions of Subbarama Dikshitar, both of them being beautiful in themselves.


The Balahamsa varna of Subbarama Dikshitar is a veritable encyclopedia of the raga Balahamsa. Its sahitya runs as under:


srI rAjadhiraja sannuta mahAraja sevita

srI rAmanAtha padAmbhoja


srI rAjarAjeshvari krUpa pAtra sudhIndra

srI bhAskara setUpatI sArvabhauma bOgha dEvEndra


kAmini nInnE koriyunnadirA


kAmUni kEli dhani nElu kOra

This apart the, composition has sahitya for the muktayisvara and the ettugada svaras apart from having an anubandha.  In the text of the varna, Subbarama Dikshitar invokes the name of Lord Ramanatha of Ramesvaram, given that the Sethupathis are the considered the guardians of the mythological bridge Ramasethu that was built and are also the traditional patrons of the Ramanathasvami Temple. Subbarama Dikshitar also refers to Bhaskara Sethupathi as a recipient of the benign Grace of Goddess Rajarajesvari . One may think that its a casual mention of a Goddess from the Hindu pantheon & nothing more. A little more study of the history of the Ramnad Royals would show that She is the tutelary diety of the Sethupatis. And so it would be appropriate to digress here a bit to know more about this Goddess worshipped by the Sethupathis.


Goddess Rajarajeshvari, was the tutelary deity of the Royals of Ramanathapuram. She had a temple within the precincts of ‘Ramalinga Vilasam’ the royal residence of the Sethupathis, which can be visited even today. In fact the Goddess with similar names/form has been the family deity of the Royals of the neighboring Sivaganga and also of the Tanjore Kings, reminding us of Goddess Camundesvari and how she is the family deity of the Wodeyar Kings of Mysore. Goddess Rajarajeshvari of the Ramanathapuram Palace used to be worshipped daily by the ruling Sethupathy and also grand pujas for her were held on occasions such as the Navaratri celebrations. The Sri Rajarajeshvari icon that was worshipped by the Setupathis of Ramnad is in the form of Mahishasuramardhini or Durga with eight hands and is mounted on an emerald/maragatha peetam. Legend has it that the golden figurine was gifted to the Sethupatis by the Nayaks of Madura. The green emerald base was got from the Kings of Mysore, during a conquest and it itself was originally supposed to have been sourced by the Sankaracharya from Himalayas. The worship of this Rajarajeshvari icon during the Navaratri celebrations of the year 1892 is recorded in detail in Chapter V of the book “Kingship and Colonial Practice in Colonial India” by Pamela Price, published by Cambridge University Press. This Royal icon never leaves the precincts of the Palace, ‘Ramalinga Vilasam” and was only worshipped by the Sethupathy & members of his royal family and on rare occasions a few esteemed guests of the Royals were invited to witness the puja. The Goddess & King Sethupathis shared a common external identity, that as together, they preserved dharma and ensured peace and prosperity in the Kingdom. Even today akin to the Dussehra Festival done royally in Mysore, the Navaratri celebrations in Ramnad are celebrated grandly, see news report here.²

U Ve Svaminatha Iyer in his chronicles records his participation in one such Navaratri celebrations on the invitation of Raja Bhaskara Sethupati. He records the gala event during which a special 1008 shankhabhisheka was performed to the Godesses.


Muthu Vijaya Raghunatha Sethupathi (1710-1725) offering obeisance to Goddess Rajarajesvari – A Mural Painting in “Ramalinga Vilasam” the Royal Palace of the Ramanathapuram Rulers (Photo Courtesy: “The Courts of Pre-Colonial South India” – by Jennifer Howes)

Bhaskara Sethupathy was deeply devoted to Goddess Rajarajeshvari. In his personal dairy, in an entry dating to January 1893, Bhaskara Sethupathy recorded that one of his life ambition was to completely renovate her temple. And in that year he offered a bejeweled cup and a sari weaved in gold, which he had purchased in Madras ! ¹ Apparently till then animal sacrifices were made to this deity, which was stopped by Bhaskara Sethupathi with the guidance and benign blessings of the Sankaracharya of Sringeri.

As referred earlier, Maha Vaidyanatha Iyer (1844-1893) was patronized by the Rajas of Ramanathapuram, particularly by Bhaskara Sethupathi’s father Muthuramalinga Sethupathi II (1862-1873). It is worth noting here that Vaidyanatha Iyer is never known to have a sung on a mortal. One can surmise that probably one evening, during a visit to the ‘Ramalinga Vilasam’, Vaidyanatha Iyer must have been probably invited to witness the puja of this Rajarajeshvari and he went on to compose his Janaranjani composition “pAhimAm srI rAjarAjeshvarI” in praise of the deity!

Though this kriti does not have any reference in its sahitya to Ramanathapuram or its Royals, still the nexus seems worth imagining at least! And another interesting reference in this connection is the pallavi rendered by Maha Vaidyanatha Iyer during the coronation celebrations of Bhaskara Sethupati. As before mentioned, after Maha Vaidyanatha Iyer along with Patnam Subramanya Iyer and Kundrakudi Krishna Iyer finished rendering the Todi pallavi, ‘Ganalola karunalavala’, Bhaskara Sethupati requested Maha Vaidyanatha Iyer to render one more pallavi in the Simhananda tala, egged on by the assembled vidvans. The veteran composer/singer composed one in praise of  Goddess Rajarajesvari, in a trice , in the 108 akshara tala and rendered it splendidly.

This also leads one to another interesting trail of thought as to the circumstance in which Subbarama Dikshitar might have composed the varna on Bhaskara Sethupati. As a matter of fact apart from these compositions given in text/notation in the SSP we do not have any record of the time and place in which Subbarama Dikshitar must have met Bhaskara Sethupati. The piece could have been composed by Subbarama Dikshitar in April 1889 to commemorate the coronation of Bhaskara Sethupati when he formally became the Raja of Ramnad at the end of his minority.

Also there is one other piece of information with which we can surmise/imagine another probable scenario! Bhaskara Sethupati as is obvious from his personal dairies ,was a Devi upAsakA. In the entry made in January 1893 he had indicated that he wanted to learn and practice Sakti Tantra. Indeed so in that same year the Sethupathi conducted the kumbhabishekam of the Rajarajesvari temple. And Subbarama Dikshitar perhaps met Bhaskara Sethupati on the occasion of that consecration. We well know that Subbarama Dikshitar was a practitioner of Sri Vidya cult and was initiated into it very early in life. This could have made the young & hardly 25 year old Sethupathi to look upon the sage-like looking Subbarama Dikshitar as his guru/preceptor to guide him in the worship of Devi.

Let us first hear the rendering of this very rare varna by Prof S R Janakiraman and his disciple Sriram Kannan in this video clipping below recorded a few weeks ago.

The Professor’s enviable repertoire traces back to two illustrious lineages as exemplified by Sangita Kalanidhi Flute Svaminatha Pillai and Tiger Varadacariar. While SSP additionally gives the sahitya for the muktayisvara and for the ettugada svaras, the same is not rendered by Prof SRJ. Attention is invited to the rendering of the concluding portions of the varna, i.e the sequential rendering of the last avarta of ettugada svara followed by the anubandha sahitya, the anupallavi, the muktayi svara and finally ending with the pallavi sahitya, which marks the logical conclusion to the rendering. This varna is a classic example of the older form of which the Bhairavi ata tala varna ‘Viribhoni’ is a prime example. Though the extant renderings of the Bhairavi varna is a truncated one, the SSP has the text & notation of the complete varna together with the anubandha.


The varna contains older/archaic phrases not in vogue and presents a picture of what Balahamsa was, once upon a time. In the SSP itself, we have the following compositions given from this raga.⁴

(Muddu)Venkatamakhi’s gitam in matya tAla
Muthusvami Dikshitar’s Guruguha Vibakthi kriti, “guruguhAd anyam na janEham” set in jhampa tAla
Subbarama Dikshitar’s aforesaid Tana varna in ata tAla
His sancari in matya tAla
While we do have good number compositions of Tyagaraja and that of the post trinity composer Mysore Sadasiva Rao, Subbarama Dikshitar’s creation is the lexicon for this raga & contains a number of phrases which have since gone out of vogue. From a historical perspective Balahamsa finds first mention in King Shahaji’s ‘Ragalakshanamu’ followed by Tulaja’s ‘Sangita Saramruta’. Subbarama Dikshitar’s interpretation is completely aligned to the older version as given by Shahaji, with vakra murccanas. Barring a sequential SRGM and PDNs, other prayogas abound, to put it simply.

In the SSP, Balahamsa is defined by Subbarama Dikshitar thus:

Upanga and sampurna with nishada being varjya in the arohana, under the Kedaragaula raaganga.
Rishabha is the jiva and nyasa svara and sadja is graha svara.
Salient murccanas include SRPMR,  SRGMPMR, dSRMGR, SRMGRGS, RSndpdSR and GMPMR (tara sadja svara is denoted in lower case, madhya stayi in upper case and mandhara stayi svaras in lower case italics. Those in bold font are svaras to be emphasized)
It needs to be noted that the contemporaneous version of Balahamsa as evidenced by the kritis of Tyagaraja and Sadasiva Rao has its roots in Govindacarya’s definition of Balahamsa with the arohana/avarohana being S R M P D s/s N D P M R M G S as an upanga janya under Harikambhoji mela. And also instead of rishabha, madhyama and dhaivatha are seen in profusion. The melodic difference between the Balahamsa  as documented by Subbarama Dikshitar on one hand and that found in the version propounded by Govindacarya is best exemplified by the Mysuru Sadasiva Rao’s kriti.

Sangita Kala Acharya Smt Seetha Rajan renders Sadasiva Rao’s “Evarunnaru” in this concert excerpt here:Evarunnaru – Balahamsa

Attention is invited to the marked difference in the treatment of the raga in this composition. And it does make us wonder when this change to raga lakshana of this raga took place. Suffice to state that this raga is another member of that list which represent a difference in treatment as evidenced by the compositions of Tyagaraja on one hand & Dikshitar on the other.

Prof.S.R.Janakiraman follows up & touches upon some of the musical aspects and an anecdote around this raga :


It’s interesting to note that the final avarta of the not-sung citta svara of the Guruguha vibhakti krithi ‘Guruguhad anyam’,starting with the phrase SRMPDPs is reproduced almost verbatim by Subbarama Dikshitar in his varna in the muktayi svara section. The conception of  Subbarama Dikshitar of this raga is closely aligned to Muthusvami Dikshitar’s.
The ragas Natanarayani and Mahuri have melodic overlap with Balahamsa.  While Natanarayani goes as SRGSRMPDs/sDPMGRS and Mahuri goes as SRMGRMPDs/sNDPMGRS, despite the presence/absence of nishada, they would sound identical as they are all purvanga pradhana raga. They differ on the jiva svara – Rishabha is the jiva svara for Balahamsa and Madhyama for Mahuri.
Muthusvami Dikshitar also employs additional motifs in Balahamsa such as the the drop from the madhya sadja to the mandhara pancama and a similar jump from the madhya pancama to the tara sadja. Similar such approach is seen in Natanarayani as well, such as dropping from madhya rishabha to mandhara dhaivatha, vide the Dikshitar composition ‘mahAganapate pAlayasumAm’ as notated in the SSP.
NAVARAGAMALIKA -’gAravamuganna doraiyani’⁸

We move over next to the ragamalika composed by Subbarama Dikshitar. This navaragamalika or a garland of 9 ragas is set in Kalyani, Todi, Saveri , Atana , Neelambari , Manirangu, Kambhoji, Mukhari and Mohana. The setting of this composition is similar, in that it is conceived as an expression of the unifocal love of a damsel named Kalyani, whose longing for the nAyaka (Bhaskara Sethupathi) is conveyed to him through her friend. Subbarama Dikshitar has skillfully woven in the raga names in the telugu sahitya appropriately. In this composition Kalyani’s friend while addressing the nAyaka, first invokes the benign grace of Lord Subrahmanya, then proceeds to describe Kalyani and her yearning for him and finally ends by appealing to him to accept her. Similar to the Balahamsa varna, here too Dikshitar refers to the Sethupathi as the recipient of Goddess Rajarajesvari’s grace, thus:

vIra dAsa mukhari sEtu vibhU bhAskara mahipAla

sakala sUrAsura sEvita shrI rajarajEsvari karunA katAksha labdha

nikhila bhAgya dhurandharudagu srI bhAskara

The translation of the telugu lyrics of this rAgamAlikA can be read here.

Vidushi Rama Ravi who traces her repertoire to her mother as well as to the scion of the Dhanammal family, Prof T Vishvanathan has also rendered this composition. This is part of a commercial release by Carnatica.

And finally we have Prof S R Janakiraman rendering the rAgamalikA.

In the sahitya of this composition Subbarama Dikshitar gives the lyric as  “tirunElu srI kArtikEya divya mOhana shikivAhana”. It’s a puzzle as to which town/temple does ‘tirunElu’ imply! Does it refer to Tirunelveli? And if so which temple there, does it refer to and what is the nexus between that temple/kArtikEya and Bhaskara Setupati, to be so mentioned in this composition? Wish one knew the answers!


Today Bhaskara Sethupathi is all but a distant & fading memory. The memorial he constructed to commemorate Svami Vivekanda’s return from America and his philanthropy may soon be completely forgotten. But Subbarama Dikshitar has immortalized him by these two compositions  thus etching his memory forever on the fabric of our music.

Foot Note 1:
Subbarama Dikshitar’s Sangita Sampradaya Pradarshini contains many of his compositions in praise of royal patrons. Some of them are listed below:

‘sAmi entanI’ – Surati – Rupaka – Cauka Varna in praise of King/Prince Muddusvami Ettendra of Ettayapuram one of the several pieces that have been composed by Subbarama Dikshitar, quite naturally so as he was the Asthana Vidvan of the Ettayapuram Samasthanam.
‘enduku rA rA’ – Ragamalika – Rupaka -In praise of King/Prince Muddusvami Ettendra of Ettayapuram
‘nI sarilErani’ – Ragamalika – Tisra Eka – In praise of King Rama Varma of Travancore
‘kAmincina kalAvati’ – Ragamalika -Tisra Eka – In praise of Sri Ananda Gajapati Raju, the Maharaja of Vijayanagaram
‘sArasAgrE sarasa’ – Daru – Natanarayani – Tisra eka – In praise of Zamindar Nagayasvami Pandiyan of Periyur
Foot Note 2:

According to Prof Sambamoorthy ( ‘Kundrakkudi Krishna Iyer’ – An article in “The Hindu” dated 25-10-1970), the trio of musicians rendered the pallavi “Setupati Jaya Jaya Ravikula Raja Vijaya Raghunatha Sri Bhaskara Sami” in raga Bhairavi, Jhampa tala with atitagraha, at ¾ count with Maha Vaidyanatha Iyer as the senior performer.


Pamela G Price(2002) – “Kingship and Colonial Practice in Colonial India” published by Cambridge University Press
Soolamangalam Vaidyanatha Bagavathar (2005)-”Cameos – Memoirs of Sulamangalam Vaidyanatha Bagavathar” – Published by  Sunadham, Chennai
David West Rudner (1994) – ‘Caste & Capitalism in Colonial India -The Nattukottai Chettiars’ -University of California Press
A Vadivelu (1903) -”Aristocracy Of Southern India” Vol I -Published by Vest & Co, Madras
Subbarama Dikshitar (1904) – Sangeetha Sampradaya Pradarshini – Reprinted in Tamil by the Madras Music Academy, India
Dr B M Sundaram (2002) – “Varna Svarajathi” – Published by Sarasvathi Mahal Library, Tanjore
T V Subba Rao & S R Janakiraman(1993) – ‘Ragas of the Sangita Saramruta of King Tulaja’ – Published by the Madras Music Academy
K C Kamaliah(1977) -’Subbarama Dikshitar’s Navaragamalika’ – Journal of Music Academy Vol XLVIII, pages 186-191
Dr B M Sundaram (1984/85 ) – Mudras in Tana Varnas – Lecture demonstration at the Krishna Gana Sabha
Jennifer Howes (2002) -”The Courts of Pre-Colonial South India”-Royal Asiatic Society Books Series, published by Routledge, ISBN 978-0-7007-1585-5

Marava Kings hate missionaries

ராமநாதபுரம் சமஸ்தானத்தை ஆண்ட மன்னர்களில் ‘கிழவன் சேதுபதி’ சிறப்பானவன். அவன் வரலாற்றை திரு மீ.மனோகரன் எழுதியிருக்கிறார். அதில் பிரிட்டோ பாதிரியார் பற்றிய விவரங்கள் கிடைக்கின்றன. தென் மாவட்டங்களில் மதமாற்றம் எப்படி நடந்தது என்பதற்கு இந்த வரலாறு ஒரு எடுத்துக்காட்டு. இனி பிரிட்டோ பாதிரியார் பற்றி படியுங்கள்.

பண்டைய தமிழ் மூவேந்தர்களுக்கு அடுத்ததாக தமிழகத்தில் நீண்ட நெடிய பாரம்பரிய ஆட்சியைப் புரிந்தவர்கள் இராமநாதபுரம் சேதுபதிகள். இராமபிரான் ராமேஸ்வரத்தில் சேதுவை நிறுவிய காலத்தில் இவர்களை அந்த சேதுவைக் காக்கும் அதிபர்களாக நியமித்ததன் காரணமாகத்தான் இவர்கள் சேதுபதி என்று அழைக்கப்பட்டார்கள். மறவர் இனம் ஏழு பிரிவுகளாக இருந்ததில், இவர்கள் அதில் ஒரு பிரிவினர். இவர்கள் மறவர் நாட்டின் அதிபதியாக பலகாலம் விளங்கி வந்தவர்கள். வீரத்துக்கும், விவேகத்துக்கும், பக்திக்கும், தமிழுக்கும், ஆன்மீகத்துக்கும் இவர்கள் ஆற்றியுள்ள பணி அற்புதமானது.
2252_bhaskara_sethupatiஇத்தகைய பாரம்பரியமிக்க சேதுபதிகளில் பலரும் புகழ்வாய்ந்தவர்கள். கிழவன் சேதுபதி, முத்துராமலிங்க சேதுபதி, பாஸ்கர சேதுபதி இப்படிப் பலர். இவர்களில் பாஸ்கர சேதுபதி சுமார் நூறு ஆண்டுகளுக்குள் வாழ்ந்தவர். சுவாமி விவேகானந்தரை அமெரிக்காவில் சிகாகோவில் நடந்த சர்வ மத மாநாட்டுக்கு அனுப்பி வைத்தவர். அவர் 1897ல் தாய்நாடு திரும்பிய போது இலங்கை வந்து அங்கிருந்து ராமேஸ்வரம் வந்து காலடி வைத்த போது, சுவாமிஜியின் காலடி பாரத புண்ணிய பூமியில் படுவதற்கு முன் தன் தலைமீது காலடி வைக்க வேண்டுமென்று கேட்டுப் பெற்றவர். பற்பல தானதர்மங்களைச் செய்தவர். அந்தக் காலத்திலேயே சென்னை கிருத்துவக் கல்லூரியில் எஃப்.ஏ. எனப்படும் இண்டெர்மீடியட் பாஸ் செய்தவர். ஆங்கிலம், தமிழ் இவற்றில் பாண்டித்தியம் வாய்ந்தவர். கலை இலக்கியங்களைப் போற்றியவர். இப்படிப்பட்ட பெருமைக்குரியவர்களெல்லாம் வாழ்ந்த குலம் ‘சேதுபதிகள்’ குலம்.
ஆயினும் இவர்களது வரலாற்றை ஆய்ந்து பார்க்க விரும்பினால், நம்மவர்கள் எவரும் எழுதிவைக்காத நிலையில் போர்த்துகீசிய பாதிரிமார்களும், கிறிஸ்தவ மதப் பிரச்சாகர்களும் எழுதிவைத்தவைகளைத்தான் நம் வரலாற்றாசிரியர்கள் எழுதி வருகிறார்கள். இப்படி ஒருதலைப் பட்சமான செய்திகளை பாதிரிமார்களின் குறிப்புகளிலிருந்தும், ஆங்கில ஏகாதிபத்தியத்தின் கெசட்டுகளிலிருந்தும் எடுத்தாளும் நம்மவர்கள் இதிலுள்ள உண்மைகளை வெளிக்கொணர்வதற்கு மாறாக, அவர்களது செயல்களைப் போற்றியும், இங்கிருந்த இந்து மன்னர்களின் செய்கைகளைக் குறை கூறியும் எழுதி வைத்திருப்பது தலைக்குனிவை ஏற்படுத்துகிறது. அப்படிப்பட்டதொரு வரலாற்று செய்தி இராமநாதபுரத்தை நெடுங்காலம் ஆண்ட கிழவன் சேதுபதி காலத்தில் நடந்திருப்பதாக நமக்குத் தெரிகிறது.
In  the  year  1549A.D,  Fr.Antony Criminali  S.J  at  Vedalai was  in 
charge  of  the  Karaiyar  Christians.  Appointed  by  St.Francis  Xavier  he  was 
the  superior  of  the  few  Jesuit  missionaries  working  on  the  Pearl  fishery 
coast.  In  1549 Fr.Criminali  became  the  first  martyr  of  the Society  of  Jesus
due to the army men of the Madurai Nayak. Thus the “Seed of Christianity 
was sown in the Marava by the blood of the Martyr”.
But  it  was  during  the  missionary  period  of 
Jesuits, the Christian religion was actively propagated in the district.
the power of the Nayaks of Madura swelled far and wide hostilities appeared 
between  the  Marava  country  and  Nayak  Kingdom  of  Madura  during  the 
period  of  Kilavan  Sethupathy  (1671-1710).  Kilavan  was  a  fanatical 
persecutor  of  the  Christians.  He  pursued  an  independent  policy  in  his 
administration against the policy of Mangammal, had cruel dealings with the 
Catholic  missionary,  John-De-Britto.The  latter  had  converted  nearly  8000 
people  between  1688A.D  to  1693A.D  in  Ramanathapuram  area.  Thadiya 
Thevar  a  Poligar  of  Siruvayal  and  a  brother-in  law  of Kilavan were
converted  by  Britto  on  a  baptismal  condition  that  he  had  to  part  with  his 
numerous  wives  except  the  first  one.  One  among  the  forsaken  woman,  a 
cousin of Kilavan,  wailed before him, ascribed to Britto, her misfortune.  A
polygamist with  forty-seven  wives  and  an  adversary  of  the  Christians, 
Kilavan sentenced Britto to death and ordered the demolition of all churches 
in the Marava country.

          The Jesuits influenced Rani Mangamammal,Nayaka queen.

21Ramasamy.A., Gazetteer  of  India,  Ramanathapuram  District,  Govt.  Publication,  Madras, 
1972, p.22Antony Paul.R., op.cit.,p.39.
The yarning for the Christian faith was still strong in Marava land as 
to overcome fears of opposition from the Raja and his officers.
As a matter 
of  fact,  from  1713A.D  till  1720A.D,  the  wrath  of  Vijaya  Raghunatha 
Sethupathy of Ramnad turned violent against the Christians. Though he had 
been  provoked  by  the  fact  that  his  brother-in-law  Thiruvaluva  Thevar  had 
joined the Christian fold and was firm in his faith with the natural tenacity of 
a real Marava.

23Sathyanatha Aiyar.R., History of the Nayaks of Madura, Madras, 1991,   p.234.
24Martin.P., to Pere-de-la Villettee, 8 November (Letter) 1709, LEC XI,  pp.240-9.
25Hambye.E.R., History  of  Christianity  in  India,  Vol,  III,  the  Church  History  Association  ofIndia,   Bangalore - 1997, p.163.
26  Ibid,p. 163.
Again in Ramnad St. John de Britto was imprisoned in the barracks of 
the Sethupathis Palace and suffered hunger and humiliating treatment before 
he  was  dispatched  to  Oriyur  to  meet  his  end. In  the  year  1716  A.D  Fr. 
Beschi  was temporarily  assigned  to  the  Marava  Residence.  But  finding  it 
impossible  to  penetrate  into  Kingdom  of  Ramnad  he  stayed  at  Kilakkarai 
and  conducted  the  Canonical  investigation  in  preparation  for  the 
44Besse.S.J.La mission du Madura, English Translation by Moumas .S.J.,Volume-II, p.425.5Ibid. pp. 233-234.Andavoorani  is  one  of  the  ancient  parishes. St.John  de  Britto 
administered  the sacraments  and  converted  a number  of  the  forefathers  of
these  parishioners  of  the  Pallar  and  Marava  groups. This  he  did  when  he 
stayed  at  Kurunthangudi  from  October  1691  to  1962. The  Udayars  had not 
come into the Maravas then. They settled here in the second half of the 19
Andavoorani Parish 
To give the title of the Blessed ‘as a  first stage to confer sainthood on some Holy people’ as a practice existing in the Roman Catholic Church
பிரிட்டோ எனும் போர்த்துகீசிய பாதிரியாருக்கு மனிதாபிமானத்தோடு கிழவன் சேதுபதி ஒரு வழிபாட்டுத் தலத்தைக் கட்டிக்கொண்டு தன் மத வழிபாட்டை நடத்த அனுமதி கொடுத்தான். அதைப் பயன்படுத்திக் கொண்டு அந்த பிரிட்டோ பாதிரியார் மறவர்களை மதமாற்றம் செய்யத் தலைப்பட்டார். அவர் எல்லை மீறி அரண்மனையிலேயே கைவைத்ததும், அதனால் கிழவன் சேதுபதியின் மருமகளும், தம்பியும் கூட பாதிக்கப் பட்டதும், மன்னன் விழித்துக் கொண்டான். தன் தம்பியிடம்  ”ஏன் இப்படிச் செய்தாய்? நமது இந்து தர்மத்தில் இல்லாத எதை அந்த கிருத்துவ மதத்தில் கண்டுவிட்டாய்? அந்த பாதிரியார் உன்னை என்ன சொல்லி மதமாற்றம் செய்தார்? மன்னர் குடும்பத்து நீயே மதம் மாறினால், அது இந்த ராஜ்யத்துக்கே ஆபத்து அல்லவா?” என்று கேட்டார். அதற்கு அவர் அது என் இஷ்டம் என்றார். சரி, இனி இவனிடம் பேசிப் பயனில்லை என்று அந்த ஜான் பிரிட்டோ பாதிரியாரை வரவழைத்து அவர் மீது விசாரணை நடத்தப் பட்டது.  பாதிரியார் தண்டிக்கப்பட்டார்.
john_de_brito_stampஇதனை அன்னிய அடிவருடிகள், வெளிநாட்டு சரித்திர ஆசிரியர்கள் கூறும் ஒருதலைப் பட்சமான செய்திகளைக் கொண்டு, அந்த பாதிரியாரை வானளாவப் புகழ்ந்து அவரது மரணத்தைப் போற்றியும், கிழவன் சேதுபதியின் முடிவைக் கண்டித்தும் எழுதி வைத்திருக்கிறார்கள். அதுமட்டுமல்ல, சமீபத்தில் “இன்று” என்ற தலைப்பில் செய்திக்கு முன் ஒளிபரப்பும் வரலாற்றுச் செய்தியொன்றில் ஒரு தொலைக்காட்சி ஊடகம், இந்த பிரிட்டோ பாதிரியார் செய்தது பெரும் தியாகம் என்றெல்லாம் வர்ணித்தார்கள். இப்போதும் கூட இந்த மதமாற்ற நாடகங்களைப் புரிந்து கொள்ளாத நம் மக்களைப் பற்றி நினைத்தால் வேதனையாகத்தான் இருக்கிறது.
ஆனால், நடந்த வரலாறு என்ன?
நாம் பார்க்கப் போகும் இந்தப் பாதிரியாரின் முழுப்பெயர் ஜான் டி பிரிட்டோ என்பதாகும். இவர் காலம் 1647 முதல் 1693 வரை. இவர் போர்த்துகல் நாட்டில் ஒரு கத்தோலிக்க கிறிஸ்தவக் குடும்பத்தில் பிறந்தார். பிரேசில் நாட்டில் இவரது தந்தை கவர்னராக இருந்தாராம். வசதியான செல்வந்தர் குடும்பத்தில் பிறந்த இந்த பிரிட்டோ, கிறிஸ்தவ மதத்தைப் பரப்பும் நோக்கத்துடன் இந்தியா செல்லத் துடித்தார். அதன் காரணமாக இவர் மதபோதகராவதற்காக 1662இல் அதற்கான பள்ளியில் சேர்ந்து படித்தார். ஐரோப்பா தவிர்த்த ஆப்பிரிக்கா, ஆசியா போன்ற கண்டங்களிலுள்ள நாடுகளில் மதப் பிரச்சாரம், மதமாற்றம் இவைகளைச் செய்வதிலுள்ள ஆபத்துக்களை உணர்ந்தே இவர் இந்தியா வந்தார். குறிப்பாகத் தென் தமிழ்நாட்டில் மறவர் சமூக மக்களைக் குறிவைத்து இவர் மதமாற்றம் செய்ய விழைந்தார்.
தனது 26ஆவது வயதில் 1674இல் இவர் இந்தியா வந்தார். அதன்பின் 12 ஆண்டுகள் கழித்து இந்தியாவின் நிலைமைகளை நன்கு ஆராய்ந்து பார்த்துத் தனது மதமாற்றப் பணிக்குத் தென்னிந்தியாவில் மறவர் பூமியே சிறந்தது என்ற எண்ணத்தில் இவர் 1686இல் மதுரை வந்து சேர்ந்தார். அங்கிருந்து பனங்குடி எனும் ஊருக்கு அருகிலுள்ள வெள்ளைக்குளம் எனுமிடத்தில்  தனது மதமாற்ற முகாமைத் தொடங்கினார். தாங்கள் பரம்பரை பரம்பரையாக போற்றிப் பாதுகாத்துவந்த சமய நெறிகளில் அலுத்துப் போயோ என்னவோ அந்தப் பாதிரியார் இங்கு குடியேறிய சில நாட்களுக்குள்ளாக, சில பிராமணர்கள் உட்பட இவரது வாசாலப் பேச்சினாலும், புதிய வழிபாட்டு முறைகளைக் கண்டு மோகித்தும், மதம் மாறினார்கள். இது அந்தப் பாதிரியாருக்கு உற்சாகத்தை ஊட்டியிருக்க வேண்டும். பரவாயில்லையே முதல் வியாபாரமே கண்டு முதல் அதிகம் பார்த்து விட்டோமே, இனி மேலும் அடுத்தடுத்த ஊர்களுக்குச் சென்றால் மக்கள் மந்தை மந்தையாக மதம் மாறுவார்கள் போலிருக்கிறதே என்று இவர் வியந்து போனார்.
நம் மக்களுக்கு அந்தக் காலத்தில் வெள்ளைத் தோலையும், அவர்கள் பேசும் ஆங்கிலம் கலந்த கொச்சைத் தமிழையும் கண்டதும் ஒருவித மோகம் ஏற்பட்டு விடுகிறது. இன்றுகூட அயல்நாட்டிலிருந்து வரும் வெள்ளைக்கார சுற்றுலாப் பயணிகளின் பின்னால், நமது குழந்தைகள் காணாததைக் கண்டது போல ஓடுவதைப் பார்க்கிறோமல்லவா? அந்த தாழ்வு மனப்பான்மைதான் நம் அப்பாவி மக்களை அவர்கள் பின் ஓடவைத்தது.
sethupathi_kings_palaceபிரிட்டோ பாதிரியாரின் புதிய சீடர்கள் அவருக்கு அருளானந்தர் என்று பெயர் சூட்டி பெருமைப் படுத்தினர். இவர் இந்தப் பகுதியில் குடியேறிய ஒரு சில நாட்களிலேயே இவருக்கு நிறையபேர் மதமாற்றத்திற்கு இணங்கி விட்டனர். அந்த நிலையில் அடுத்தடுத்த கிராமங்களுக்கும் செல்லும் நோக்கில் இவர் சிவகங்கை வழியாக பாகனேரிக்கு நான்கு மைல் தூரத்தில் உள்ள மேலமங்கலம் எனும் ஊருக்குப் போய்க் கொண்டிருந்தார். அப்போது எதிரில் வந்த இராமநாதபுரம் கிழவன் சேதுபதியின் முதலமைச்சராக இருந்த குமார பிள்ளை இந்தப் பாதிரியார் தங்கள் மக்களை மதமாற்றம் செய்யும் செய்தியறிந்து மறவர் படையைக் கொண்டு பிரிட்டோ பாதிரியாரைக் கைது செய்தார். அந்த மறவர் படையினர் இந்தப் பாதிரியாரையும் அவருடன் வந்தவர்களையும் காளையார்கோயிலுக்குக் கொண்டு சென்றனர். அங்கு இவர்கள் சிறையில் அடைக்கப்பட்டனர். சுமார் பத்து நாட்கள் காளையார் கோயில் சிறையில் இருந்த பிறகு இவர்கள் அனைவரும் பாகனேரிக்குக் கொண்டு செல்லப்பட்டனர். அப்போது கிழவன் சேதுபதியிடமிருந்து, கைது செய்யப்பட்டு சிறையிலிருக்கும் பாதிரியாரையும் அவரோடு இருப்பவர்களையும் இராமநாதபுரத்துக்குக் கொண்டு வரும்படி கட்டளை வந்தது.
அங்கு மன்னனின் அரசவையில் பிரிட்டோ பாதிரியார் விசாரிக்கப்பட்டார்.  அந்த விசாரணையின் போது, இந்த நாட்டில் இந்துக்கள் பல கடவுளர்களை வணங்குவதாகவும், அவர்களுடைய பழக்க வழக்கங்கள் காட்டுமிராண்டித்தனமாக இருப்பதாகவும், கல்லையும், மண்ணையும், மரத்தையும் வணங்கும் இவர்களுக்குச் சரியான பாதையைக் காட்டுவதுதான் தனது மதத்தின் நோக்கமென்றும், அந்தப் புனிதமான பணியைத்தான் தான் செய்து வருவதாகவும் பிரிட்டோ வாதாடினார். அப்படி என்னதான் உங்கள் மதம் போதிக்கிறது என்று மன்னர் கேட்டுத் தெரிந்து கொள்ள விரும்பினார். உடனே அவையிலிருந்த பெரியோர்கள், இந்த பாதிரி நம் மன்னனின் மனதைக் கூட கலைத்து விடுவார் என்று அஞ்சினர்.

எனினும் மன்னனின் கட்டளைக்கிணங்க பாதிரியார் அரண்மனைக்குச் சென்று அங்கு அரசனுக்குச் சரிசமமான ஆசனத்தில் அமர்ந்துகொண்டு தனது மதத்தின் அருமை பெருமைகளை வர்ணிக்கத் தொடங்கி விட்டார். அவர் சொல்லச் சொல்ல அரசனுக்கு கோபம் கூடியது. ஆனால் தான் குடிப்பழக்கத்துக்கு ஆளானவன், மேலும் பலதாரங்களை மணந்து கொண்டிருப்பவன் என்பதால் ஒருவகைக் குற்ற உணர்வுக்கு ஆட்பட்டு  நேரடியாக பாதிரியாரை எதிர்த்து அவன் வாதம் செய்யவில்லை. எனவே சமாளித்துக் கொண்டு அரசன் சொன்னான் “பாதிரியாரே! நீங்கள் நம் நாட்டில் எங்கு வேண்டுமானாலும் தங்கிக் கொள்ளுங்கள். நீங்கள் உங்கள் மதத்தைப் பின்பற்றுவதையோ, உங்கள் கடவுளை வணங்குவதையோ நான் தடுக்கவில்லை. ஆனால், எங்களுடைய கலாசாரம், நாகரிகம், பண்பாடு இவைகளுக்கு மாறான எதையும் நீங்கள் உபதேசிக்க நான் அனுமதிக்க முடியாது. மீறி நடந்தால் உங்கள் உயிருக்கு நான் ஜவாப்தாரியல்ல” என்று எச்சரித்து பாதிரியைப் போக விடுத்தான்.
அதன் பிறகு அரசனைச் சந்திக்க பிரிட்டோ பாதிரியார் எடுத்துக் கொண்ட முயற்சிகள் எதுவும் பலிக்கவில்லை. சிலகாலம் தென் தமிழ்நாட்டில் தன் மதமாற்ற வேலைகளை நிறைவுற செய்து முடித்த பின் 1687இல் அவர் போர்சுகல் திரும்பினார். இந்தியாவில் வெற்றிகரமாக மதமாற்றங்களைச் செய்துவிட்டு நாடு திரும்பும் பாதிரியாரை அந்நாட்டு மதவாதிகள் உற்சாகமாக வரவேற்றார்கள். போர்ச்சுகலில் சில காலம் இருந்த பிறகு அவருக்கு மீண்டும் தமிழ்நாட்டுக்கு வந்துத் தன் வேலையைத் தொடர்ந்து செய்ய வேண்டுமென்று விரும்பினார். தனது நண்பரான டிகோஸ்டா எனும் பாதிரியாருக்கு எழுதியுள்ள கடிதத்தில் தனக்கு லிஸ்பனில் (போர்த்துகல் தலைநகர்) உள்ள அரண்மனையை விட தென் தமிழ்நாட்டு மறவர் மண்ணே மிகவும் பிடித்திருக்கிறது என்று எழுதியிருக்கிறார். அதன்படி அவர் மீண்டும் இந்தியாவை அடைந்து கோவாவில் தரையிறங்கினார். அங்கிருந்து பாண்டிய நாட்டு மண்ணுக்கு வந்து தனது பணியைத் தொடங்கினார்.
தாதியாத் தேவன் என்றொரு பாளையக்காரன். இவன் கிழவன் சேதுபதிக்கும் உறவினன்கூட. அவனுக்கு இந்த பாதிரியார் பால் அன்பு ஏற்பட்டது. அப்படிப்பட்ட சூழ்நிலையில் ஏதோவொரு வினோதமான வியாதி அவனைப் பீடித்தது. பல மருத்துவர்கள் மருந்து கொடுத்தும் சரியாகவில்லை. அப்போது செய்தியறிந்து அருளானந்த அடிகளான பாதிரியார் பிரிட்டோ தாதியாத் தேவனைப் பார்க்க வந்தார். அவர் வந்த வேளை அந்த பாளையக்காரனின் வியாதி தீர்ந்து குணமடைந்தான். அவன் பாதிரியாரை மிகவும் மதித்து அவர் ஆலோசனைப்படி ஞானஸ்நானம் செய்விக்கப்பட்டு மதமாற்றம் பெற்றான்.
அவன் மதம் மாறியதில் ஓர் சிக்கல் ஏற்பட்டது. அவனுக்கு ஐந்து மனைவியர். அவன் சார்ந்த புதிய மதக் கோட்பாடுகளின்படி அவனுடைய முதல் மனைவி மட்டும்தான் மனைவியாக இருக்க முடியும். மற்ற நால்வரும் அவனுக்குச் சகோதரிகளாகி விடுகின்றனர். இந்த செய்தி அவனுக்குக் குழப்பத்தை ஏற்படுத்தி விட்டது. முதல் மனைவி நீங்கலாக மற்றவர்கள் என்ன கெஞ்சியும் அவன் அவர்களை மனைவியராக ஏற்றுக் கொள்ள மறுத்து விட்டான் பாதிரியாரின் அறிவுரைப்படி. அவர்கள் நால்வரும் கூடிப்பேசி, நால்வரில் இளையவளான காதலி நாச்சியார் என்பவளை அழைத்து, அவளுக்குப் பெரியப்பன் உறவான கிழவன் சேதுபதியிடம் சென்று முறையிடும்படி கேட்டுக் கொண்டனர்.
அதன்படி காதலி நாச்சியார் சென்று கிழவனிடம் முறையிட்டாள். அவனும் யோசித்தான். தன் உறவினனான தாதியாத் தேவன் மதம் மாறிவிட்டான். தன் தம்பி மகள் கணவன் உறவை இழந்து அழுகிறாள். இப்படியே போய்க்கொண்டிருந்தால் இந்த பாதிரியார் மறவர் இனமக்கள் அனைவரையும் மதம் மாற்றிவிடுவார் என்று நினைத்தார். இந்த தாதியாத் தேவன் முன்னர் கிழவன் சேதுபதியோடு அரியணைக்குப் போட்டியிட்டவன். கிழவனுக்குப் பிறகு அரசனாக ஆகக்கூட வாய்ப்புகள் இருந்தன. மற்றவர்களை மதம் மாற்றியதைப் போல சகட்டு மேனிக்கு இந்த மறவர் பூமிக்கு உரிமையுள்ள ஒருவனையுமல்லவா இந்த பாதிரியார் மதம் மாற்றிவிட்டார் என்ற கோபம், வருத்தம். ஆட்டைக் கடித்து, மாட்டைக் கடித்து கடைசியில் நம்மையுமா? சேதுபதியால் கோபத்தை அடக்கமுடியவில்லை.
john_de_brito_christian_pictureஅரச குடும்பத்தில் ஒருவன் மதம் மாறினால் மக்களும் அல்லவா மதம் மாறிவிடுவார்கள்!  அப்படி மக்கள் மதம் மாறத் துணிந்தால் இந்த தாதியாத் தேவனைத் தனக்கெதிராக ஆட்சியைப் பறிக்க போர்த்துகீசியர் தூண்டக் கூடுமல்லவா என்றெல்லாம் யோசித்தான் கிழவன் சேதுபதி. இது வெறும் மதமாற்றம் மட்டுமல்ல; போர்த்துகீசிய ஆதிக்கத்தை கடற்கரையையும் தாண்டி உள்நாட்டில் ஏற்படுத்தும் நோக்கமும் இதில் இருக்கிறது என்று சிந்தித்தார் அவர். இது அவருக்கு அதிர்ச்சியைக் கொடுத்தது. இது ஏதோ கற்பனையான பயம் என்று எண்ணுவதற்கில்லை. வரலாற்று அடிப்படையில் அவ்வாறு சேதுபதி பயந்ததற்குக் காரணங்கள் இருந்தன. 1532 – 1582 காலகட்டத்திலேயே கத்தோலிக்க மதத்துக்கு மாற்றம் செய்யப்பட்ட மீனவர்களுடன் தூத்துக்குடியில் வாழ்ந்தவர்களும் போர்த்துகீசிய குடிமக்களாகக் கருதப்பட்டார்கள். இதனை ஒரு கிறிஸ்தவ பாதிரியாரே எழுதியிருக்கிறார். ஆம்! பிஷப் கால்டுவெல் கூறும் செய்தி இது.
ஐரோப்பாவிலிருந்து நாடுபிடிக்கவும், கீழை நாடுகளில் மக்களை மதமாற்றம் செய்வதற்காகவும் பல நாட்டினர் இங்கு வந்தனர். அவர்களில் டச்சுக்காரர்கள், போர்த்துகீசியர் என பலரும் அடங்குவர். என்றாலும் இங்கு எவரும் மதமாற்றம் செய்வதை கிழவன் அனுமதிக்கவில்லை. சிறையில் அடைக்கப்பட்ட பிரிட்டோ பாதிரியார்  அந்த சிறைவாசத்திலேயே இறந்து போனார். பண்பிலும், அரசாட்சியிலும் சிறந்து விளங்கிய கிழவன் சேதுபதி மற்ற வகைகளில், கடற்கரையில் முத்து எடுப்பது முதல், வியாபாரம் வரை அந்நியர்களை அனுமதித்தாலும் இதுபோன்ற மதமாற்றத்தை ஏற்றுக் கொள்ளவில்லை என்பது தெரிகிறது.
இது குறித்து பல்வேறுபட்ட சர்ச்சைகள்  உள்ளன.  ஆனால் சில வரலாற்று உண்மைகள் கவனத்தில் கொள்ளத் தக்கவை. பாதிரியார்கள் வரிசெலுத்துவதிலிருந்து விலக்கு அளிக்கப் பட்டிருந்தனர் என்பது அவர்கள் மீது கிழவன் சேதுபதி காழ்ப்புணர்வு கொண்டிருக்கவில்லை என்பதைக்காட்டுகிறது.   பாதிரியார்கள் முக்கியமான பிரபல புள்ளிகளை மதமாற்றம் செய்வதில் குறியாக இருந்தார்கள்; தாங்கள் செய்யும் ”தியாகங்களை” எல்லாம் கூறி மக்களின் அனுதாபத்தைப் பெற்று மதமாற்றம் செய்தார்கள் என்பதும் தெளிவாக பதிவு செய்யப் பட்டுள்ளது. அது மட்டுமல்லாமல் இந்து மதத்தின் அழிவில்தான் கிறிஸ்தவம் வளரமுடியும் என்று அவர்கள் கருதினார்கள் என்பதும் ஐயமின்றி விளங்குகிறது.
“Most of the Historians who have written on this account have mostly dependant on Jesuit records and so their picture is necessarily pro-christian. The historian’s task is to find out the truth. Britto’s death issue was carefully propagated in such a way so as to create public sympathy in India and Europe”.
– History of Tamilnadu from Viswanatha Nayakar to M.G.Ramachandran: ஆர்.எட்வின் ராஜன் & டி.ஞானசேகர் (பக்கம் 63, 64)
பாதிரியாரின்பால் இரக்கம் உண்டாகும்படி பிரசாரம் மேற்கொள்ளப் பட்டது  மிகவும் திட்டமிட்டு நடத்தப் பட்ட செயல்பாடு என்று இவர்கள் சொல்வதிலிருந்து உண்மை நிலவரத்தை மக்கள் புரிந்து கொள்ள வேண்டும்.
நூற்றாண்டுகள் ஓடிவிட்டன. செயல்பாடுகள் தான் மாறவில்லை!

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